As the economy continues to sputter along, certain industries have seemingly found new life in what has otherwise been a terrible recession. Just last week, I was interviewed by FoxNews.com host Harris Faulkner about job seeking during these tough times. On her show, Morning Click, we discussed some of the new and interesting career paths that have recently emerged. As a follow-up, I’m going to write a multi-part series on my blog examining some of the potentially bright spots out there!
My team and I did some research using a variety of sources to determine the hottest sectors and jobs out there on the market today. We focused on six industries and the various “hot” career paths span everything from food scientists to fetus healers (yes, fetus healers).
Here’s a glimpse of the industries we will be looking at throughout the series:
- Social media: Now that everyone has a Facebook account and more and more people jump on Twitter, the need to reach out to customers through these mediums is crucial. Social media has become an inexpensive and powerful tool that many companies have yet to harness. There is a demand for social media expertise, and it’s not too late to get into the game.
- Government/Security: Everyone likes good benefits and a stable pension plan. And with cyber-terrorists and hackers on the loose, more and more security-related jobs are opening up both on the government and contractor side.
- Science: Technology can both eliminate jobs and create them. As progress is made with the production of high-tech products, such as robots, simulators, and satellites, a need for specialists results.
- Healthcare: The medical field has always been a sure bet, especially with careers like nursing. But with the aging population and technological advancements, many new positions have emerged. Some don’t even require a four-year degree, such as a health informatics technician.
- Green collar: “Green” issues, from recycling to eating organic, are ubiquitous. More and more consumers are looking to be green. This means more green-collar jobs. Ever thought of being a garbage consultant or working on a wind farm?
- Accounting: Baby boomers need advice on retirement, companies need to know where to safely invest, and people need statisticians to calculate risk. A range of new consulting jobs has surfaced, including positions at all the new bank branches that are opening up.
Pursuing one of these careers may require you to go back to school, acquire a certification, or get re-trained. However, for many of you, it may just be a matter of “repackaging” your current skill sets in a way that better speaks to the needs of these industries. Think about your skills in terms of your actual abilities, rather than your previous job titles—de-label yourself. How might your experience make you the perfect candidate for one of these hot jobs? How can your previous skill sets be utilized in a different field? Don’t settle; fight for a stable, thriving career so you can get yourself out of the career hot seat and back into the game!