Tag Archives: jobs

Transcend in Twenty-Ten: Rise Up and Forge Your Own Career Path

As the Great Recession comes to a close it’s time to wave goodbye to the dark days of 2009 and start thinking about the brighter times ahead.

In 2009 we saw a 26 year peak in the national unemployment rate. Foreclosures, bankruptcies, and all out corporate collapses hit all time highs.

There is no doubt the year 2009 exposed a lot of perpetrators and created a lot of victims. In one way, shape, or form we all felt the pain, some of it caused by others, and some of it caused by ourselves. Regardless, it’s now up to you to take the next step and rise above it all. It’s time to start thinking about thriving in the New Year.

The New Year is always a great excuse to reset and start anew. I can’t think of a year where there has been more incentive to do just that. Twenty-ten is your chance to take the reins and transcend the madness of ‘09. It’s time to transcend in ten!

So, what can we do to leave 2009 behind for good?

First and foremost, you must accept that the old rules no longer apply. For those of you feeling secure in your jobs, keep in mind that being a diligent worker and following the rules is no longer a safe haven. For those in transition, the days of pounding the pavement and chasing those great job opportunities are gone.

The New Economy is about creating opportunities, not chasing them. It’s about being innovative and demonstrating your value. It’s about being your own brand. I truly believe we are entering into an age of career entrepreneurialism, an age where it will be up to you to determine your path and then go out and make it happen.

Second, you will need to create a plan. And not just any plan, but a YOU Plan. Without a destination in mind and a roadmap for getting there, success will always be a challenge. To be fair, there is no simple straight line to any destination and life often requires detours. However, without any kind of path in mind, your actions will always be driven by those around you. In other words, when it comes to living your life, you can lead or you can follow. If you want to lead, you will need a YOU plan.

Thoughtful planning and deliberate action are the foundation for any successful endeavor. Your success is up to you; and you alone. Take the reins and start thinking like an entrepreneur. Every Monday and Thursday I’ll be posting tips, tidbits, and simple steps or creating a YOU plan, so stay tuned!

Welcome to the New Year. Good luck and transcend in twenty-ten!

Dr. Woody

To learn more about Dr. Woody and his upcoming book The YOU Plan, check out www.TheYouPlan.com